Graduation Requirements

**Students need 3 years of math credit (up to Algebra 2 / Consumer Math- if approved with SLP- or beyond)**

**Students need 3 years of English (9, 10, and 11) and 1 year of Senior Capstone**

**Students need 3 science credits**Students who have not successfully completed Algebra 1 may not enroll in Chemistry. 
Students who wish to be considered for the Kansas Scholars recognition must take physics.

**Students need 3 years of History, 1 semester of Government, and 1 semester of Economics**

**Bible is required for every year the student attends Veritas**

2026 forward- students must have two years of a classical language (Greek or Latin-in high school).
**Classes 24 and 25 Must have 2 years of classical  foreign language. One 1 must be a classical language** 

**Speech is required for seniors**

**Must complete 1 computer credit (this equals 4 semesters)**

**4 Semesters of Fine Arts (1 full credit). This requirement can be completed in 2 years!**

**Students must have 4 semesters of PE/Health (1 season in a sport counts as 1 semester/.25 credits each season)**

Seniors will complete a Thesis Project and findings speech.

All students must complete 2 consecutive semesters of Personal Finance 

Graduation Tracks




**Students need three years (up to Algebra 2 or beyond)**

**Students need three years (up to Algebra 2 and/or Vocational math)**

**Students need to complete two modules in life skills math and two semesters of personal finance)**

**Students need four years of English**

**Students need four years of English**

**Students need four modules of English skill building**

**Students need three science credits**

Kansas Scholars must take physics.

**Students need three science credits (one can be vocational science)**

**Students need three science credits; however in this track, students may use life skills sciences- cooking, cleaning, gardening, wellness** 

**Students need 3 years of History and 

1 semester of Government 


1 semester of Economics**

**Students need 3 years of History and 

1 semester of Government 


1 semester of Economics**

Students need two modules of Government and Budgeting** (these may be modified for the learners)

**Bible is required for every year the student attends**

**Bible is required for every year the student attends**

**Bible is required for every year the student attends** Students in the Blue track will receive significant modifications

**Must have two years of a language. One year must be a classical language** 

Beginning fall of 2022- for the class of 2026 forward- students must have two years of a classical language (Greek or Latin-in high school). 

**Must have two years of a language. One year must be a classical language** 

Beginning fall of 2022- for the class of 2026 forward- students must have two years of a classical language (Greek or Latin-in high school). 

Limited foreign language or none- but skill building in English would be required with a writing lab focused on writing and reading. Subject to approval.

**Speech and Senior Thesis/Senior Project are required for seniors**

**Speech and Senior Thesis/Senior Project are required for seniors**

**Speech and Senior Thesis/Senior Project are required for seniors within the confines of their Blue Room and Modules**

**Must complete one computer credit**

**Must complete one computer credit** This can be vocational technology. 

**Must complete one computer credit**

**Four Semesters of Fine Arts. This requirement can be completed in two years!**

**Four Semesters of Fine Arts. This requirement can be completed in two years!**

**Four Semesters of Fine Arts. This requirement can be completed in two years and could be through occupational and physical therapy models**

**Students must have four semesters of PE. One season in a sport counts as one semester**

**Students must have four semesters of PE. One season in a sport counts as one semester**

**Students must have four semesters of PE. One season in a sport counts as one semester**